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Spark Level of the Electric Brake Bridge

Jul. 25, 2019

The electric brake bridge spark grade refers to the sparking phenomenon generated between the brush and the commutator when the electric brake bridge is running. Spark does not affect the continuous normal operation of the electric brake bridge motor to a certain extent, but if the spark is large enough, it will cause damage to the electric brake bridge motor, so that the electric brake bridge cannot operate normally. Trailer Electric Brake Supplier considers the five spark levels of the electric brake bridge to be as follows:

First, the electric brake bridge spark level is 1

1. The degree of sparking under the brush: no sparks.

2. The state of the commutator and the brush: there is no black mark on the commutator and there are no burn marks on the brush.

3. Permitted operation mode: Allow long-term continuous operation.

Second, the electric brake bridge spark rating is 1.25

1. Spark level under the brush: intermittent sparks on only a small part of the brush edge (about 1/5 to 1/4 of the brush edge).

2. The state of the commutator and the brush: there is no black mark on the commutator and there are no burn marks on the brush.

3. Permitted operation mode: Allow long-term continuous operation.

Third, the electric brake bridge spark rating is 1.5

1. Spark level under the brush: Most of the brush edge (greater than 1/2 brush length) has intermittent thinner granular sparks.

2. The state of the commutator and the brush: There is a black mark on the commutator, but it does not develop. It is removed by rubbing the surface with gasoline, and there is a slight burn mark on the brush.

3. Permitted operation mode: Allow long-term continuous operation.

Trailer Brake Discs

Fourth, the electric brake bridge spark level is 2

1. The degree of sparking under the brush: Most or all of the edges of the brush have continuous denser granular sparks, starting with intermittent tongue sparks.

2. The state of the commutator and the brush: there are black marks on the commutator, which cannot be erased with gasoline, and there are burn marks on the brush. If a this-level spark occurs in a short time, there are no burn marks on the commutator, and the brush is not burnt or damaged.

3. Permitted mode of operation: Allowed only for short-term overload or short-term shock loads.

Five, electric brake bridge spark rating is 3

1. The degree of sparking under the brush: There is a strong tongue-like spark on the entire edge of the brush, accompanied by a bursting sound.

2. The state of the commutator and the brush: the black mark on the commutator is quite serious, and it cannot be erased with gasoline; at the same time, there is a burn mark on the brush. If running at this spark level for a short period of time, there will be burn marks on the commutator and the brush will be burnt or damaged.

3. Permitted operation mode: It is allowed to exist only at the moment of direct start or reverse, but the commutator and brush must not be damaged.

Our company specializes in providing various types of Trailer Brake Discs. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us.